Last night I was watching the tube and maybe I'm just late or maybe it just didn't bother me until now but when did Micky D's turn hip hop? I'm sure no one on the board of directors resembles Russell Simmons and last I checked Ronald McDonald had white skin and red hair. Now he might rock a bush but he damn sure ain't a brotha. Lets look at the facts shall we. The majority of Americans are over weight. Some school systems have even taken gym off the curriculum. We already know black kids don't get very nutritious meals for a variety of reasons. Also, a lot of black people are over weight. We don't like to admit it but it's true. We suffer from strokes, heart attacks, and high blood pressure like no other. We love food that isn't healthy. Hell, I love a full rack of ribs. I eat McDonald's about 5 times a year. I ate it a lot more as a kid and can't really stand it that much these days. It's quick, cheap,a and now hip hop? Really? I don't know if these commercials are airing in lets say Ohio like they are hear int he DC metropolitan area but I'm a tad offended. As if there aren't already enough ways for blacks to harm there bodies now Ronald Reagan...I mean McDonald is trying to give us other avenue. You know, if crack and HIV doesn't work have a big mac snack wrap. Maybe I'm being a little over sensitive but damn do I really need some black chick with kinky hair rapping "up early in the morning thought my day would be wack/ until I, turned on the TV and heard breakfast is back". Why not just turn an old negro spiritual hymn into a commercial. Just another part of our culture that is being used by corporate giants to mock us and destroy us...and that's the reality of the situation.