Have yall heard about the Georgia senator trying to get two black colleges to merge with two white schools close to them? Well if not check it out http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28262287/ . But this got me thinking about the role that black universities and colleges play in the U.S. and in the black America. I'm a true believer that if it were not for these institutions of higher learning that even more blacks wouldn't attend school or complete it. We all know education is important and it is lacking in our community but I also question if these schools are doing all they can. First off a lot of these schools curriculum's are actually behind there white counter parts...mostly because the public school systems blacks grow up in is in shambles and not teaching anything, thus forcing black colleges to focus on the "ABC'S" of there college courses. The classes are sometimes slower, easier, and less demanding that at white schools. I also think that sometimes black students get pushed through a little bit because the administrations at these schools knows the scarcity of college degrees in our community. But does this help or hurt? Yes it's great to have the paper that says your graduated but then what happens when you get that job and have no idea what your boss is talking to you about? It is kind of like the "no child left behind" program in D.C. I know white America makes it harder for us to achieve success but is making it a little easier the right message to send to our youth? You be the judge on that. I also think that since we do not learn how to interact with one another while growing up that should be a point of interest to the schools. Teach these young men and women how to speak, listen, and respect one another. By making it easier and not working on those kinds of issues we play right into the "MANS" hands. Now by all means I'm not saying if you went to a black school you had an easy ride. I'm just bring attention to thing we should discuss. We all went to school with that kid who never came to class but some how got a grade better that yours. I went to Shaw University (brief stint), I had friends at Hampton, Norfolk, Morgan, and Howard. That being said a black campus is also not a great representation of the real world. There are only a handful of places where you will see that many blacks for extended periods of time. Very few places in the country offer all black work environments. The more money you make the fewer people like us you see. Sad but true. My women went to Towson. As much as I hated them drunk as white boys..."dude lets get a keg"...A school like that represents a better picture of the America we live in. So when I talk to my siblings about going off to college I always tell them that it was a great experience at Shaw and made a few life long Friends (Shot out to Dave, Nana, and Jeremy...fuck it and Chico, Chub, Cali, Turk, Lavar, and Bone Nose Kev lol) don't just go there because it's white or black, go because it gives you a chance to grow and succeed.