Damn where do I start? We have all heard about these dudes. The brothas who date women, have girlfriends, and even wives but yet they have a disturbing secrete. The dudes who act the hardest, walk around with there chest all poked by day out only to have there ass poked out by night...disgusting. My thing is if you gay than you gay. I have no problem with that, just don't come round these parts cause I don't play...it ain't that kind of house party. But for real why all the faking bruh??? I mean why the cover up? Wait wait wait I know, you see in the white community it's acceptable to be gay but in the black community that's more taboo than...well everything. A black man is not supposed to be a sissy. So you know you can't go to the basketball courts if you come out. You can't face your family. Hell, you can't even go to the same barbershop (shot out to Supreme Cuts)...you got to go to the salon. And you don't want to lose all of that. I mean it's hard enough being black in America without having the gay tag associated with you. But if you don't want people to know that's cool. That your business but then why drag our sistas through that buuulllllshit? You out there creeping with Tommy "n" nem bringing home god knows what to your women...sad. Plus for you dudes who are married with kids you should be taken out to the shed and whipped Kunta Kinte style. You know better. Not only are you bringing home disease to your wife, once your family finds out you more open than all outdoors what does that do to your kids...messes them all up. And for real, I don't care if you have slept with 1,000 women, if you mess with one dude you gay. Stop frontin. Bottom line...you are who you are so leave all the faking to the rappers and actors.
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