So this topic comes up alot around me. You know, "black men ain't shit", "black men are dogs", "I'm going to date a white man"...WHAT. Us black guys sure have our flaw but we get a bad wrap and black women don't take responsibility for there short comings. Allow me to elaborate. I have had many black women tell me that if black men would get themselves together than our race would get on track. OK as a young man who's dad got low (left my mom) when I was born and who I did not even meet until I was 17 and just last year started to have some kind of relationship with, I know that alot of black men don't raise there babies. They you you pregnant and then they get shorty from around the corner pregnant. No dout that may be the single greatest thing a black man can do to hurt his family and his community. I've said it once and I will say it again, as great a job as black women do in raising black boys than fall short when trying to raise him into a black man. Only a man can raise a boy into manhood and only a woman can raise a girl into womanhood. My question is if we know that black dudes don't always raise there kids and leave everything on the mother and in most cases her mother, than why do so many black women keep spreading there legs with out being on birth control or using some kind of contraceptive? Why do you keep believing a dude really loves you after 2 dates and 5 drinks? Then you get pregnant and hate not the black man that screwed you over(no pun) but every other black dude. There is no excuse for a black man not taking care of his child but you should take a good look at the person in the mirror because you are just as much to blame for a fatherless child as a man is. I mean it is very simple, who do dogs sleep with? Bitches....and no I'm not calling you a name that is what you call a female dog. And if you think a white man will treat you better guess again. The only difference between a white and black man is credit...as in his credit score. Do you think he really wants to take you home to his mother and father in bum fuck Idaho? Do you think he wants you sipping tea with his friends wife Susan? HELL NO. It's a fantasy that white men have had since they first laid eyes on the big breasted, bubble but, curvy African women 500 years ago, sneaking down to the slave quarters to get some of that black love. Bottom line is a white man can be just as bad as those BROTHERS you are trying to get away from. I mean just pick better men to date. I love the woman I have now but when I was dating I treated the search for quality black women like I was in need of a person to run my fortune 500 company. You want someone there who can do the job, you can trust, and when shit gets funky, there not running out the backdoor. So if I were letting you into my life I'm doing a serious background check...what Martin say to the jeweler when buying a ring for Gina"lady i need your social security #). I don't play because this person could be in my life in a good way or a bad way for a long time. I guess what I'm getting at is both black men and women have flaws and alot to do with the problems facing our households. Only through helping one another can we improve upon these flaws and develop better friendships and relationships.
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