My bad for skipping out on
yall and not posting any new topics but I've been very busy but now I'm back for the new year. With 09 here I decided to not only tackle social issues but to also tackle a few lighter issues that I'm sure all of us can relate to. Now to the subject at hand...being PUSSY WHIPPED. I can hear all of you dudes talking bout"
naw yo, that ain't me"...
lol it might just be. This isn't a secret so I'm just going to put it out there...men will do anything to get to that wet and soft spot on a women. We will lie,cheat,steal...hell even kill. We will also do anything to make sure that a woman doesn't take it away. I mean it's crazy. All of a sudden
niggas are going shoe shopping every weekend with there girls knowing damn well football is on. Not hanging out with the fellas anymore...and when they do they have to get permission. Now last I checked I only had one mama and I stopped asking her if I could go out when I was 17. Fellas whats up? I'm not saying don't love, respect, and treat your woman right but wheres your balls? Oh I know, she had them amputated and bronzed like your mom did your baby shoes and now they are hanging from here rear view mirror in her car. Whats up with getting up with the fellas once a month to chill? Hell she goes out with her girl 5 or 6 times a month. She out with her
freakum dress on and you up in the crib with your
du rag on and flip flops watching sports center. We ain't 70 years old man. Get out and have some fun. Stop being afraid that she gonna
spaz on you. Stop being
afraid that shes gonna hold out on sex. And most of all stop being
afraid that shes going to leave your ass cause last I checked woman out number men in the state of
Maryland and trust me she isn't going anywhere if your a good dude. A man that stands up to a woman is a man that is respected by a woman. And again I'm not saying
disrespect her but but if you give anyone an inch they will take a mile. Stand your ground.
1 comment:
That was funny..."don't be p*ssy-whipped, whip dat p*ssy"...
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